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Frequently Asked Questions

Seller Questions

Free listings are displayed for 10 days. Boosted listings are displayed for 30 days.

Boosted listings are promoted on the front page of the site and all boosted listings are displayed above non-boosted listings in their respective category.

Contact support for more information.

Reptiles4sale staff will remove any listing that breaks our Terms or attempts to bypass security features regardless of it's boosted status.

Yes, you are allowed to list reptile eggs.

Contact support or click the flag icon on the listing page. A Reptiles4sale staff member will take appropriate action.

For security reasons, we remove phone numbers from listings. Attempting to bypass this by using words, hyphens or other readable characters to display a phone number will result in a ban. We have a messaging system that can be used.

There is no limit to the amount of listings you can have. However, duplicate listings are not allowed. Simply changing a few words while still listing the same reptile is considered a duplicate and Reptiles4sale staff will take appropriate action.

No, all sales are final and we do not provide refunds for any boosted listings. You agree to these Terms when you create an account and during the PayPal checkout process.

Buyer Questions

To contact a seller, click the "Send a message" button on the listing page.

Contact support or click the flag icon on the listing page. A Reptiles4sale staff member will take appropriate action. Making false claims will result in a ban.

Reptiles4sale suggest that you do not pay for any reptile before you have physically inspected it. Please review Avoiding Scams .

We suggest that you use our messaging system to communicate with the buyer. However, you can provide them with your details and make contact outside of Reptiles4sale.

Reptiles4sale will not get involved in user to user interactions. If you were scammed in person, please contact your local law enforcement. 99% of scams can be prevented by following these steps, Avoiding Scams

No, Reptiles4sale does not contact sellers on behalf of buyers.

Contact support or click the flag icon on the listing page. A Reptiles4sale staff member will review it and take appropriate action if needed.

Contact support or click the flag icon on the listing page. A Reptiles4sale staff member will review it and take appropriate action if needed.

No, Reptiles4sale will not act as a 3rd party for shipping or payments. We do not provide middleman services.

Reptiles4sale Questions

Contact support for more information.

We are located in Dallas Texas.

Because you're awesome and you love reptiles just as much as we do. In all honesty, we hope you enjoy our site and the simplicity of it.

At the end of the day our goal is to help buyers and sellers come together to find that reptile a new place to call home. By allowing sellers to list their reptiles for FREE, it gives that reptile a better chance to find a new home and that's what matters.

Yes, regardless of your business status, you can list a reptile.

Contact support for more information.

We love to hear suggestions and ideas. Matter of fact, if you give us an idea and we use it on our site, we will compensate you for the idea!

Yes. All personal information on our site such as emails, phone numbers, passwords etc are encrypted with AES 512. Far beyond the industry standard and considered overkill. Not only is your information encrypted it's behind a zero trust ruleset. We take security serious.

You must have our written permission to use our logo or brand on your site.

No, Reptiles4sale does not list any reptiles nor does our staff.

Top 10 Questions

This is a case by case consideration.

No, creating multiple accounts will result in you being banned once we do a ban wave. There is no reason to have more than one account.

Yes, as long as the username is not taken.

Unfortunately not every reptile can find a new home. Try lowering the price or update your description to give users a better understanding of the reptile.

Contact support. Reptiles4sale staff members will never contact you via the messaging system.

If you get banned it's because you broke our Terms. Regardless of your awareness to our Terms they are enforced.

Contact support and provide more information about the situation.

Contact support. We will only take action if the user is harassing you on our platform. We can't assist you if they are sending you text message via your phone or emails.

Select the close account option on the left-hand side on account page. Please note, closing an account may also prevent you from creating a new one.

Reptiles4sale will never ask you for your password. Please ignore the email or report it to your email provider.